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Title: Mangudi Minor
Year: 1978
Release Date: 1978-05-19

Actors : Rajinikanth, Sripriya, Vijayakumar, M. N. Rajam, A. E. Manoharan

Mangudi Minor Wikipedia Mangudi Minor Vijayakumar as Lakshman Mangudi Minor Rajinikanth as Kumar Sripriya as Rekha M N Rajam as Lakshmans mother Isarivelan as Prakash Ceylon Manohar as Prathap Debut S V Ramadoss as Kumars uncle C I D Sakunthala as Julie Mangudi Minor 1978 IMDb The Most Anticipated Indian Movies and Shows widget tracks the realtime popularity of relevant pages on IMDb and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on IMDb Mangudi Minor Full Movie HD Rajinikanth Vijayakumar Sripriya M N Rajam Chandrabose Mangudi Minor is a 1978 Tamil film directed by V C Gunanathan Vijayakumar played the lead role and Rajinikanth acted as villain in this film was based on the Hindi film Rampur Mangudi Minor 1978 Mangudi Minor Movie Mangudi Minor Mangudi Minor is a Tamil drama movie directed by Gunanathan V C The cast of Mangudi Minor includes RajinikanthSripriya The cast of Mangudi Minor includes RajinikanthSripriya Note Hey Mangudi Minor 1978 Tamil Movie Mangudi Minor Mangudi Minor is a 1978 Tamil Film stars Rajini Sripriya VijayaKumar directed by athan music by Chandra Bose Mangudi Minor Fan Photos Mangudi Minor Photos Images Mangudi Minor Movie Fan Photos Check out Rajinikanths Mangudi Minor movie pictures images Mangudi Minor stills movie posters You can also upload Mangudi Minor movie photos at FilmiBeat Mangudi Minor 1978 Plot Summary IMDb Mangudi Minor 1978 Plot Showing all 0 items Jump to Summaries It looks like we dont have any Plot Summaries for this title yet Be the first to contribute Just click the Edit page button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Plot Summary submission guide Synopsis It looks like we dont have a Synopsis for this title yet Mangudi Minor Video Songs Mangudi Minor Full Movie Superstar Rajinikanth Tamil movie Mangudi Minor video clips Watch RajinikanthS Mangudi Minor full movie in HD High quality HQ Mangudi Minor video songs TalkMangudi Minor Wikipedia This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Mangudi Minor article This is not a forum for general discussion of the articles subject Put new text under old text Click here to start a new topic Please sign and date your posts by typing four tildes New to Wikipedia Welcome Ask questions get answers