Watch Gabbeh online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Gabbeh movie online for free. The cinema Gabbeh has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the blog. An elderly couple go about their routine of cleaning their gabbeh (a intricately-designed rug), while bickering gently with each other. Magically, a young woman appears, helping the two clean the rug. This young woman belongs to the clan whose history is depicted in the design of the gabbeh, and the rug recounts the story of the courtship of the young woman by a stranger from the clan.

Year: 1996
Genre : Drama, Mystery, Romance
Runtime: 75 minutes
Release Date: 1996-06-26
Actors : Shaghayeh Djodat, Abbas Sayah, Hossein Moharami, Rogheih Moharami, Parvaneh Ghalandari