Watch Scared online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Scared movie online for free. The film Scared has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the web. A big group of freshman students go out of town. On the journey, their bus has to cross a creaky old river bridge which is the only way to get to the center of a dark forest. When the bus is halfway across, the bridge collapses and the bus falls deep into the river more than 50 meters from the surface. Nearly all the students are killed. The remaining students walk into the forest until they discover a mysterious, abandoned town. The students are cruelly murdered one by one. Only the survivor will be able to explain it all.

Year: 2005
Genre : Horror
Runtime: 81 minutes
Release Date: 2005-11-09
Actors : Sumonrat Wattanaselarat, Wongthep Khunarattanrat, Amornpan Kongtrakarn, Atchara Sawangwai