Watch My Flesh My Blood online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch My Flesh My Blood movie online for free. The movie My Flesh My Blood has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. Igor is a professional boxer whose world comes to a halt when he learns that his brain has been severely damaged from his many years of fighting. Refusing to undergo surgery, he knows that his days are numbered. Not having much left, his last desire is to leave a child behind as his legacy. A young Vietnamese immigrant, Yen Ha, agrees to have his baby in return for Polish citizenship. Despite the nature of their agreement, they slowly fall in love, but then Igor's health deteriorates...

Year: 2009
Genre : Drama, Romance
Runtime: 90 minutes
Release Date: 2009-06-19
Actors : Eryk Lubos, De Ly Luu, Wojciech Zieliński, Marek Piotrowski